'She Stands' is a series I have created to help shine the spotlight on inspirational female survivors who have battled through, are living with or creating awareness on different health conditions in Nigeria. I started this blog to create an awakening in Nigerian women to become more conscious of their health and to also serve as a reference point and perhaps an online resource for health issues relating to women. My journey has been interesting and I have E-met so many wonderful women. Perhaps one of the ladies who have inspired me the most is our first Subject. I met 'Sister Ngozi' as I call her from clicking on a hashtag on Instagram and the rest is history. I sent her a few questions but she sent me a prose which I have left unedited so you can read "Her Story' . (Are you following the blog on Instagram? @womenshealthwithdrrasheedah ) My name is Ngozi Ejedimu. I like to call myself the 1 boob chic. I was 41 in April. I grew up in Lagos, Ni...
...Taking control of our health