I started out hoping to do an educative post on miscarriage with facts and figures as per usual but I'm going to personalise this week's post. I was watching an episode of 'This is us', the one where Kate had a miscarriage (those who know, know!lol) and It brought back soo many memories. Just a few key points about miscarriages, it is common! 1 in 4 women will have one in their lifetime! It is painful sometimes physically but most times mentally! We do not talk about it enough! Well I’ve had 2..the first one wasn’t too bad as I lost it quite early, wasn’t really prepared and didn’t get excited long enough to feel bad enough. My second miscarriage experience however wasn’t so great, I never talk about it but sometimes I find myself wondering if it was a baby boy or girl, if he/she would have shared similarities with their siblings or be completely different, when would they have walked or talked...so many what ifs. I found out I was pregnant, my family and ...
...Taking control of our health